Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable break over the holidays. We have already entered the year 2017 with many exciting changes and activities, which will continue throughout the term.

You may have noticed the changes to our front office and also the wonderful large sheltered area we now have over our basketball court.

We have also had many new enrolments to primary and I would like to welcome all students and their families to our school. It has been a great pleasure meeting everyone and I am looking forward to working together as a team to provide great support, encouragement, success and achievement for your children.

This year we are offering other languages for students in Year 1 and Year 7 and hope to continue with the next year levels each year. The languages that are available for students is Arabic, Turkish, TSL and French.

We also have new programs such as PMP and developmental play for our Foundation years which we are hoping to see assist with their language development.

This year our list of wonderful teachers are as follows:

Foundation A: Jennifer Temple
Foundation B: Sirin Ali
Year 1A: Vlada Rahim
Year 1B: Farveen Mahmood
Year 2A: Jagdish Rehal
Year 2B: Amelia Bastian
Year 3A: Canan Aktepe
Year 3B: Nilsen Tran
Year 4A: Hayley Wright
Year 4B: Catherine Burbidge
Year 5A: Esra Eker
Year 5B: Justin Prentice
Year 6A: Yesim Basturk
Year 6B: Elizabeth Leatherbarrow
Art: Vlada Rahim/Hayley Wright (Upper)
LOTE (Turkish, TSL, Arabic, French): Tulay Wardle, Aysen Cakir-Yuksel, Orhan Selek, Geehan Eldesouky
RV: Cemile Golcuk, Nertil Osmani, Dilek Selek
Music: Andy Webb

I wish all families the very best for 2017!

Meet Sirius College’s New Teachers

Sheral Renolyn

Job Status: Part Time (Year7/8 Girls – Maths)
Likes: Travelling / exploring the world /Listening to music
Dream Job: Teacher
Favourite Colour: Magenta
Favourite Animal: Giraffe
Hobbies: Reading, Socialising with Family and Friends
Hero: My teachers and Parents

Hayley Wright

Job Status: Primary Teacher
Likes: Spending time with my daughters
Dislikes: Spiders
Dream Job: Teaching
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Animal: Cats
Hobbies: Drawing
Hero: My Dad

Primary Classroom News

Prep A

The Preps have been learning all about ‘healthy’ and ‘sometimes’ foods. They have sorted food into groups and discussed the kinds of foods that ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ ate. It was interesting to find out that although people do not eat the same kind of leaves that made the Hungry Caterpillar’s stomach feel better, we do eat some leaves such as spinach leaves or lettuce leaves. It has been fantastic to see so many children bringing healthy food to school in their lunch boxes.

Ms Temple